
Showing posts from September, 2022

Kongo central Opportunities related to valuable resources

Journalist writer: Sr. Michael Jackson. Date: 27/09/2022 Tél: +243 855 739 589 --------------------------------------------------- Let international investors discover opportunities Investment in a province of the Democratic republic of Congo called Kongo central which is potentialy rich in ressources. The governor of Kongo central his excellency Mr. Guy Bandu is determined to develop the economy of his province in bringing international investors and creating jobs in his province. Therefore, I have consulted the Investment Agency of the Democratic republic of Congo called ANAPI and I Would like you to read the informations bellow that has been published by DRC Investment Agency on the opportunities and ressources found in Kongo central, province in the Democratic republic of Congo.     KONGO CENTRAL PROVINCE County town: MATADI Area: 53,920 km2 Population: 5,575,000 inhabitants Opportunities related to valuable resources Pathways Valuable resources Types of industries to develop or es

Invest in DRC country of the most opportunities in Africa

Journalist writer: Sr. Michael Jackson Tel (WhatsApp): +243 855739589. Date: 25/09/2022 The DR Congo is the most richest countriy with the most Investment opportunities in Africa that many internation investors are distracted to discover. I Would like to share with my readers the opportunites that are in DRC. The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is the second largest country in Africa and one of the richest in the world in terms of natural resources.  With 80 million hectares (197 million acres) of arable land and 1,100 minerals and precious metals, the DRC has the resources to achieve prosperity for its people.  Despite its potential, the DRC often cannot provide adequate security, infrastructure and health care to its estimated 84 million inhabitants, of which 75 percent live on less than two dollars a day. The accession of Felix Tshisekedi to the presidency in 2019 and his government’s commitment to attracting international and particularly U.S. investment have raised the hope

New York: Felix Tshisekedi reiterates the DRC's commitment to exploit its 27 oil blocks and 3 gas blocks

 Witer journalist Sr. Michael Jackson on 21/09/2022 In his speech on Tuesday, September 20 at the UN forum in New York (USA), Felix Tshisekedi reiterated his country's commitment to exploit its 27 oil blocks and 3 gas blocks. The Congolese Head of State assured that this operation is carried out in compliance with environmental standards in order to improve the living conditions of its population: "Thus, the government of the DRC has set itself the objective of exploiting, in compliance with environmental standards, the country's natural resources and transforming them locally to give them added value and boost the national economy, in particular through the creation of liquid wealth and jobs in order to improve the living conditions of the Congolese people". In this regard, he also said that the Congolese government has taken adequate strategies and measures to avoid negative impacts on the environment. For Felix Tshisekedi, the exploitation of these 27 oil blocks an


Written by Sr. Michael Jackson International journalist from DR Congo 21/09/2022 This is a French translated news from Congolese press written by the journalist Yannick Sadisa le noir  General Philemon YAV, commander of the 3rd Defense Zone and military operators in North Kivu, was in constant communication with the Rwandan President's Special Security Advisor, James KABAREBE, who pointed out to him the Congolese officers who constituted a lock for the significant advance of the M23 terrorism military group in DR Congo against the FARDC (Congolese Army). His job was mainly to persuade them to slow down, to allow the M23 terrorism military group to gradually conquer Congolese territories successfully. While he learns of the suspicions of his arrest for high treason after the denunciation of our valiant patriot officers to the authorized services, General YAV broke the SIM card of his telephone in order to stifle all sorts of traceability, but thanks to the survey conducted among mob

Corruption organiser à Lufu frontière en RD Congo

date: 18/09/2022 journaliste écrivain : Sr. Michael Jackson/ Ambassadeur de peuple Congo rapport des enquêtes faites par : Sr. Michael Jackson Journaliste international de'agence"AFAPA" dans l'agglomération de Lufu frontière territoire de songololo province de Kongo central/ RD Congo ------------------- La corruption reste le fléau que la République démocratique du Congo n'a pas encore réussi à endurguer, malgré tous les discours de bonne intention de chef de l'état Félix Antoine Tshilombo a juré de mené une lutte efficace et déterminé contre toute les formes de corruption. VOICI LES RÉSULTATS DES INVESTIGATIONS MENÉ --------------------- Dans le poste frontière, nous assistons à une fraude géante à Lufu. Des tricycles rentrent des marchandises sans payé des droits de douane à la barbe des services compétents à ce poste frontalier. Une corruption organiser et à ciel ouvert se fait impunément à Lufu frontière, ou, des containers sont décharger en Ango

Religions and people life in DR Congo

  Writer journalist: Sr. Michael Jackson. 15/09/2022 ------------------------------------------------ I am Sr. Michael Jackson, International journalist, spiritual researcher, Director of African EUROPEAN PRESS AGENCY (AFEPA) in the Democratic republic of Congo conducted in 2020 a research on religion in DR Congo. Results of this research is allowing to clearly reveal the real share that each religion is holding within the Congolese society. This research also specifies main religious tendencies in each region of DR Congo. In DR Congo villages there Still people who reject western religions and believe in Congolese God and godess that they contact for wisdom, blessing, healing and protection followed by traditional rites. My Research shows that Christian religion is the first religion in DR Congo. It is practiced by 94% of Congolese people. Almost all the respondents (95%) believe that God does exist and 80% amongst them are convinced that there is life after death, against 13% that do

New International press Agency AFEPA in DR Congo

 African European Press Agency  (AFEPA) was created in September 2002 at the Democratic republic of Congo by Sr. Michael Jackson an Independent international journalist and Director of the Agency to provide information on current events and issues impacting African and Européen business via press conferences, interviews with distinguished guest speakers from political and economic realms. They also covers News of all sectors in the Democratic republic of Congo. AFEPA is the voice of voiceless and their slogan is "informing the world is our passion " AFEPA is inviting worldwide press such as TV Channels, radio, Journals and magazines to contact them for partnership and for correspondance services.  News published by Sr. Michael Jackson, International journalist of AFEPA from DR Congo Tél: +243 8557 39589 Email :