Religions and people life in DR Congo


Writer journalist: Sr. Michael Jackson. 15/09/2022


I am Sr. Michael Jackson, International journalist, spiritual researcher, Director of African EUROPEAN PRESS AGENCY (AFEPA) in the Democratic republic of Congo conducted in 2020 a research on religion in DR Congo. Results of this research is allowing to clearly reveal the real share that each religion is holding within the Congolese society. This research also specifies main religious tendencies in each region of DR Congo. In DR Congo villages there Still people who reject western religions and believe in Congolese God and godess that they contact for wisdom, blessing, healing and protection followed by traditional rites.

My Research shows that Christian religion is the first religion in DR Congo. It is practiced by 94% of Congolese people.

Almost all the respondents (95%) believe that God does exist and 80% amongst them are convinced that there is life after death, against 13% that don’t believe in that thesis. About 15 Congolese people over 20 believe that a human being has got a soul.

If 80% believe in a life after death, the percentage falls to 69% when it comes to believing in the existence of hell. 23% on the other hand consider that the hell doesn’t exist. 6% of Congolese people assert that heaven doesn’t exist, 3% are doubtful on the subject while 15 persons over 20 believe in heaven existence.

I have been in the United Kingdom for 20 years and travelled mamy EUROPEAN countries and I Never Seen as much churches such as in DR Congo and particulary in Kinshasa the capital. In every single avenue of residential and commercial street you must find 2 or 3 churches. PEOPLE turn their houses into church and Still living there. It is very hard to sleep tonight when you live in Kinshasa except one area in town called Gombe, churches start their worship ceremony from 6PM to 10PM and others will go UP to the next day morning at 5 AM with loud sound , on Sunday church mess start from 7am to 5pm using professional musical instrument , when they play music the surrounded houses are disturbed , and not only churches making noises but you have bars and pubs of the same areas that Play loud music outside and you Can not stand this. But it looks like Congolese population are used to it but for the diaspora and tourists they find it hard to sleep in the night.

Catholic religion remains the most popular with a strong representation in Bandundu, Kivu, and Province Orientale. Thé islam religion is the minority practiced in DR Congo .

Churches get divided every day in 2 or 3 parts for money, when the team of pastors do not find it clear on sharing money equally.

In DR Congo you see pastors starting a New church , he has not other job, he start his religion ministry without car, house, than a Pastor with an unstable life but in few days or years he get rich , they build luxury houses, buy luxury cars, Travel worldwide while their worshippers , they have to keep having faith that God will bless them one day. Most pastors are not social and not helpfull to their members. Rich pastors give only prayers to their members who seek financial assistance but not money or other humanitaire help but the Pastors Ask money for différents prayers during church cereremony and fundraising for their problems in this case prayers is not needed but Real money from their members. I have Seen pastors asking 1000$ for prosperity prayers... Pastors having sex relationship with married women who are steril and make them believe to inject holy spirit semence in the woman so that thé woman will be healed from stérilité.

In churches they donnot motivate PEOPLE to create jobs and Becoming sef umployed, I suggest in a country like DRC where their IS not job , organisations should encourage people creating small business and develop a training program for their membres. But in RDC PEOPLE spend More Time in churches from Monday to Sunday in stead of being creative.



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