Invest in DRC country of the most opportunities in Africa

Journalist writer: Sr. Michael Jackson Tel (WhatsApp): +243 855739589. Date: 25/09/2022

The DR Congo is the most richest countriy with the most Investment opportunities in Africa that many internation investors are distracted to discover. I Would like to share with my readers the opportunites that are in DRC.

The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is the second largest country in Africa and one of the richest in the world in terms of natural resources.  With 80 million hectares (197 million acres) of arable land and 1,100 minerals and precious metals, the DRC has the resources to achieve prosperity for its people.  Despite its potential, the DRC often cannot provide adequate security, infrastructure and health care to its estimated 84 million inhabitants, of which 75 percent live on less than two dollars a day.

The accession of Felix Tshisekedi to the presidency in 2019 and his government’s commitment to attracting international and particularly U.S. investment have raised the hopes of the business community for greater openness and transparency.  The DRC government is currently working with USTR to regain preferential trade preferences under the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA).  Tshisekedi created a presidential unit to lead business reform and improve DRC’s standing of 183rd out of 190 countries in the World Bank’s Doing Business 2019 report.

The natural resource and telecommunications sectors have attracted the most foreign investment in the past.  The primary minerals sector is the country’s main source of revenue, as exports of copper, cobalt, gold, coltan, diamond, tin and tungsten provide over 95 percent of the DRC’s export revenue.  Several breweries and bottlers, a number of large construction firms, and limited textiles production are active.  The highly competitive telecommunications industry is expanding into electronic banking.  Given the vast needs, there are significant commercial opportunities in aviation, road, rail, water transport, and ports.  The agricultural and forestry sectors present opportunities for economic diversification in the DRC.

Why invest in DR Congo?

Procedure for setting up a business

Large market in the heart of Africa

What exemptions are granted to investors under the Investment Code, the Mining Code and the Agricultural Law?

What are the conditions for admitting a project to the benefits of the Investment Code ?

What is the general procedure for setting up a business in the DR Congo and what are the costs involved ?

Tax and customs incentives

Special Economic Zone

What are the social contributions and contributions due on earnings in the Democratic Republic of the Congo ?

What is the procedure for obtaining an agricultural concession?

Visit the website bellow to find answers of the questions above: INVEST IN DRC

Business Facilitation

Since 2013, the GDRC has operated a “one-stop shop” ( ) that brings together all the government entities involved in the registration of a company in the DRC.  The registration process now officially takes three days, but in practice it can take much longer.  Some businesses have reported that the Guichet Unique has considerably shortened and simplified the overall process of business registration.

Outward Investment

The GDRC does not prohibit outward investment, nor does it particularly promote it.  There are no current government restrictions preventing domestic investors from investing abroad, and there are no current blacklisted countries with which domestic investors are precluded from doing business


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