New York: Felix Tshisekedi reiterates the DRC's commitment to exploit its 27 oil blocks and 3 gas blocks

 Witer journalist Sr. Michael Jackson on 21/09/2022

In his speech on Tuesday, September 20 at the UN forum in New York (USA), Felix Tshisekedi reiterated his country's commitment to exploit its 27 oil blocks and 3 gas blocks.

The Congolese Head of State assured that this operation is carried out in compliance with environmental standards in order to improve the living conditions of its population:

"Thus, the government of the DRC has set itself the objective of exploiting, in compliance with environmental standards, the country's natural resources and transforming them locally to give them added value and boost the national economy, in particular through the creation of liquid wealth and jobs in order to improve the living conditions of the Congolese people".

In this regard, he also said that the Congolese government has taken adequate strategies and measures to avoid negative impacts on the environment.

For Felix Tshisekedi, the exploitation of these 27 oil blocks and 3 gas blocks provides, like other countries in Africa and Europe which have taken up this challenge, the exercise of effective government controls.

"It is a question for the DRC of achieving its economic and social objectives by preserving its forests and continuing to remain the solution country for the fight against global warming", continued the Congolese head of state.

He further recalled that no relevant international legal instrument ratified by the DRC prohibits it from exploiting its natural resources for the protection of the environment.

DRC: Félix Tshisekedi launches 30 tenders for oil and gas blocks

Felix Tshisekedi cited among others, the 2015 Paris Agreement which recognizes developing countries the right to emit C02 for development, but taking precautions for the global climate through their nationally determined contributions. (CDN).

The President of the Republic had officially launched, last July, 30 calls for tenders, including 27 for oil blocks and 3 for gas blocks from Lake Kivu.

The auction of these oil and gas blocks divides civil society actors who fear the environmental impacts that can be caused by the exploration and exploitation of these fossil resources.


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